
How Billie uses Leapsome as a one-stop platform for strategic HR topics

Billie is a fintech startup with a mission is to reinvent working capital management for SMEs by offering innovative lending products.
Berlin, Germany
Company size
Features used
  • Goals & OKRs
  • Surveys
  • Instant Feedback & Praise
  • Meetings
  • Reviews

“Leapsome has become Billie's central tool for everyone. It’s great that it’s a one-stop shop for all HR topics outside of the HR Database.”

Marie Richter
VP People

Which challenges did you want to solve by introducing Leapsome?

I’ve only been with Billie for five months, so I was not there at the launch. But Leapsome was supposed to help us to streamline, automate and standardize our performance reviews as much as possible. All of this works very well with Leapsome. After having implemented Leapsome’s performance review software, the other modules were an additional “positive surprise”. We then realized for instance that we could do our biweekly ENPS Surveys with the platform and we were very happy about it!

What has your experience been with implementing Leapsome?

I was not there at the launch, but I found my way around Leapsome right away. We were able to include everything we wanted to into our performance reviews, such as our structure, questions, response formats, scale, and our value and competence model. It works just great!

What changes have you seen across the company?

Leapsome has become Billie’s central tool for everyone. It’s great that it’s a one-stop shop for all HR topics outside of the HR Database.

What do you like best about Leapsome?

The flexibility of the platform! This is also due to the responsiveness of the Leapsome customer support. Whenever something could be improved or customized, the Leapsome team is very open to suggestions and extremely quick to implement. This supports my role as VP HR and contributes to my peace of mind as I never feel left alone with Leapsome. Our managing directors also find the tool very convincing, we are proud to use it!

What would you say to those considering starting with Leapsome?

I would recommend Leapsome 100%! It is a great addition to the HR database system. It’s also very flexible, easy to navigate, simple to use and the support is great!

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