X icon white, transparent background.

The Leading Employee Surveys Tool

Use our Employee Surveys tool to uncover the hidden drivers of engagement. Run pulse, eNPS or engagement surveys using expert templates.

Unity Logo grey
Woman with crossed arms smiling, dressed in business-casual attire, purple gradient frame.

Tausende zufriedene Kunden haben Leapsome mit ihren Bewertungen an die Spitze der G2-Ratings gesetzt.

Users Love Us - Fall 2024
G2 reviews banner with badges from Winter 2021.
Notes icon blue, transparent background.

Understand your employees

Collect meaningful feedback to understand the sentiment in any part of your organisation with company-wide, leadership-only, or team-specific surveys. Measure and improve the engagement drivers that matter most to build a great company culture.

Plan icon green, transparent background.

Powerful insights

Create custom questions or use our question templates – backed by scientific research and verified by experts. Surveys can be anonymous or identified, and you can set them up to automatically recur. Track changes in engagement levels and indicators such as the employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) over time.

Settings icon in orange, transparent background.

Continue the discussion

Gain honest insights from employees without compromising their anonymity by striking up an anonymous conversation with survey respondents on their specific answers. Your employees’ privacy is respected while you gain a detailed understanding of their needs, allowing you to turn insights into action.


Build a thriving company culture

Tap into the pulse of your organization with company-wide, leadership-only, or team-specific surveys. Drive continuous improvement by understanding and enhancing the engagement drivers that truly matter.

Employee Engagement & Pulse Survey Software screenshot showing user interface of the questionnaire

Embrace flexibility and efficiency

Effortlessly track your company's goals with any process or framework. Minimize quarterly admin effort and propel progress with recurring goal cycles and fixed timelines.

Goals & OKR Management Software screenshot showing the goal status and tracking features

Führende Unternehmen weltweit vertrauen Leapsome

Testimonial Image

We chose Leapsome HRIS because it provides a comprehensive solution—one that supports both strategic people initiatives and day-to-day operations, ensuring a smooth and scalable approach as we grow

Liis Normak

Head of People

Leapsome spart uns viel Zeit bei Performance Reviews und hilft uns, eine offene, wertorientierte Feedbackkultur aufzubauen. Wir haben mehrere Plattformen verglichen und Leapsome hat uns überzeugt – die Software ist benutzerfreundlich, intuitiv und hochgradig anpassbar. Als Manager finde ich es toll, wie schnell und offen das Team von Leapsome auf unser Feedback und unsere Vorschläge reagiert.

Dr. Christian Groebe


Leapsome verbessert das Mitarbeiterengagement und den Feedbackaustausch – ein Muss für Unternehmen jeder Größe. Wir haben fast 750 Teammitglieder, aber die Einführung war trotzdem einfach, schnell und erfolgreich. Der großartige Kundensupport hat uns während des gesamten Onboarding-Prozesses geholfen.

Thore Schӓck, Head of HR & Recruiting.

Thore Schäck

Leiter der Abteilung HR & Recruiting

Mit Hilfe der Personalanalysen können wir die Bedeutung unserer Daten schnell verstehen. Wir verwenden auch regelmäßig die Agenda für 1:1-Meetings, die sehr einfach aufzusetzen und äußerst nützlich ist.

Erica Ancobia, Head of People Operations

Erica Ancobia

Head of People Operations

Wir sehen das People Team als Partner – nicht als Verwaltungsinstanz – und wollen uns auf unser Personal konzentrieren statt auf Prozesse. Mit Leapsome haben wir die manuelle Arbeit rund um Feedback und Karriereentwicklung automatisiert, sodass wir unsere Zeit allen Teammitgliedern widmen können: ihre Bedürfnisse erfüllen, sie durch ihre Zeit bei DCMN begleiten und ihnen helfen, erfüllter zu arbeiten.

Theresa Jasaraj, Senior Manager, Personal Relations

Theresa Jasaraj

Senior Manager, Personal Relations
REVIEW BUILDER & best practice templates

Tailor-made for you

Conduct various review types, from simple performance to 360-degree and anonymous leadership reviews. Leapsome's flexibility supports your unique performance management processes with customizable questions, timelines, and anonymity settings.


Tailored skill development

Guide employees on personalized learning journeys, catering to their specific needs – from junior to manager, or department transitions. Assign paths manually or automatically with our smart automation rules.

Structured 1-on-1 Meetings Software screenshot showing the integrations with goals and okrs

Measure learning impact

Ensure employees are absorbing knowledge with engaging quizzes. Use multiple-choice questions for quick assessments or open-ended questions for deeper insights.

Structured 1-on-1 Meetings Software screenshot showing the integrations with goals and okrs
Guided Onboarding

Build personalised learning plans

Create tailored learning paths for new hires, offering a seamless onboarding experience. Build company-wide or team-specific paths to develop functional skills quickly.

Structured 1-on-1 Meetings Software screenshot showing the integrations with goals and okrs
A Simple, flexible & powerful Platform

Scalable people enablement for
forward-thinking companies


Empower growth, drive success

Discover the ultimate review experience with expert templates and seamless automations. Craft templates to suit your needs with our customizable review builder, and gain powerful insights from people analytics. Elevate your team's performance with various review types, including project, leadership, and 360-degree feedback.

Learn More

Collaborate on an agenda

Design an agenda that fits your unique meeting format. Collaborate on talking points and receive an automatic copy of the agenda via email or Slack - ensuring everyone is prepared and on the same page.

Structured 1-on-1 Meetings Software screenshot showing the integrations with goals and okrs

Set up scalable compensation processes

Say goodbye to manual work! Save time with reusable templates and automated workflows based on core performance and engagement data.

Structured 1-on-1 Meetings Software screenshot showing the integrations with goals and okrs

Help managers make compensation decisions

Enable managers to make decisions informed by relevant performance and engagement data — along with automated recommendations based on the rules you’ve set.

Structured 1-on-1 Meetings Software screenshot showing the integrations with goals and okrs

Build scalable promotion processes

Create reusable templates and automated workflows to identify your promotion-ready talent based on core performance and engagement data.

Structured 1-on-1 Meetings Software screenshot showing the integrations with goals and okrs

Help managers make promotion decisions

Enable managers to make decisions informed by relevant performance and engagement data — along with automated recommendations based on the rules you’ve set.

Structured 1-on-1 Meetings Software screenshot showing the integrations with goals and okrs

Frequently Asked Questions

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Die HR-Plattform, die Teams wirklich weiterbringt

Automatisiert, verknüpft und vereinfacht HR-Prozesse – von Einarbeitung über Entwicklung bis Talentbindung.

  • Zeitersparnis durch Automatisierungen ⏱️
  • AI-gestützte Vorschläge, Einblicke und Aktionspläne 🪄
  • Flexible, skalierbare Workflows 📈

Vereinbart einen Termin mit unseren Produktexperten und erfahrt, wie Leapsome dabei helfen kann, eure Arbeit einfacher zu machen.

Leapsome unterstützt über 1.600 HR-Teams in Deutschland und weltweit

Demo buchen

Plane ein Gespräch mit einem unserer Produktexperten, um zu erfahren, wie Leapsome euer Unternehmen unterstützen kann.