Leapsome is the AI-powered people platform for HR excellence and high-performing teams, encompassing solutions for performance reviews, goal setting, learning, engagement, and much more.
When asked why they chose Leapsome over 15Five, customers often mention the intuitive user experience, a higher degree of customization, and the way employee development is central to each Leapsome's module.
Easily create reusable review templates and set automated review cycles. Harness employee data to trigger probation period or annual reviews, while invitations, notifications, and reminders ensure everyone completes their assessments.
Collect meaningful feedback to understand the sentiment in any part of your organization with company-wide, leadership-only, or team-specific surveys. Measure and improve the engagement drivers that matter most to build a great company culture.
Track your company’s goals regardless of what process or framework you use. Cut down on quarterly admin and drive progress by setting up recurring goal cycles with fixed timelines.
Utilize review data to track performance trends, compare teams or individuals, and identify high-potential employees. Facilitate succession planning, target training investments effectively, and ensure fair, unbiased reviews with live heatmap or nine-box calibration.
Lead a high-performing organization with an HRIS that seamlessly connects every stage of the employee lifecycle, boosts adoption, and equips you to make smarter, data-driven people decisions.
Drive efficiency with a clear agenda, select from a set of templates, or build your own. Allow participants to contribute talking points. Get the latest agenda automatically via email, Slack, or Teams.
Provide a personalised, scalable and online learning experience for every employee. Deliver the right learning content to the right employees, at the right time.
Stay compliant with the EU Whistleblower Directive by providing a safe, fully anonymous reporting channel for your workforce. Leapsome’s easy-to-use anonymous suggestion box is embedded in your people platform for both employees and admins.
Leapsome hat mein berufliches Wachstum und meine Entwicklung grundlegend verändert. Was mir an Leapsome am besten gefällt, ist, dass es mir ermöglicht, meine Karriere selbst zu gestalten. Die benutzerfreundliche Oberfläche und das intuitive Design von Leapsome haben mir die Navigation und Nutzung der Plattform unglaublich leicht gemacht.
Enterprise (1000+ Mitarbeiter)
Leapsome zeichnet sich als erstklassige Plattform aus, die nahtlos ein breites Spektrum organisatorischer Anforderungen abdeckt und in den Bereichen Leistungsmanagement, Mitarbeiterengagement, OKRs und Lernen überzeugt. Seine beispiellose Stärke liegt in der tiefen Integration mit bestehenden Tools und der mühelosen Anbindung an unser HRIS, Slack, etc.
Mid-market (50-1000 Mitarbeiter)
Unser Unternehmen ist neu bei Leapsome, aber das Onboarding verlief fantastisch. Unser Leapsome-Ansprechpartner hat uns bei jedem Schritt begleitet, um sicherzustellen, dass der Prozess für das HR-Team und alle Mitarbeiter einfach ist. Er hat uns Schritt für Schritt durch den Prozess geführt, um innerhalb kürzestes Zeit startklar zu sein!
Mid-market (50-1000 Mitarbeiter)
Our global customer..
... success team will assist the switch every step of the way and get you started in no time.
You can quickly import your employee...
...data through Leapsome’s HRIS integrations and easily migrate your company goals & objectives.
We provide best-practice...
...templates to get you started right away and a library of resources to educate your managers on product topics and all things people enablement
When asked why they are moving away from Lattice, customers often mention low adoption rates, the lack of integrated learning capabilities and limited flexibility.
Our Customer Success team is with you for every step of your journey with Leapsome. Switching to Leapsome from your current tools is a breeze.
Your Customer Success Manager will be your advocate, listening to your needs and providing expert advice.
Our expert onboarding team will guide you through set up you’re up and running in no time — easy integrations make it easy to import your data.
We’re dedicated to ensuring you have the highest quality resources you need as you scale your business.
Mit der HR-Plattform von Leapsome verknüpft ihr jeden Schritt im Employee Lifecycle – für nahtlose Prozesse, weitreichende Automatisierungen und mehr Zeit für strategische Arbeit.
Bucht ein kostenloses Beratungsgespräch mit einem unserer freundlichen Produktexperten